

Now I'm going to compare Mister Fantastic to another elastic superhero named Plastic Man. Plastic Man's stats are on the right while Reed's are on the left.

Both of these guys are flexible and elastic, but why would Plastic Man have better fighting, agility, strength, and endurance than Reed Richards. Couldn't the same arguments made about Reed using his stretching be made about Plastic Man? And has Plastic Man done training of any kind? Does he have the intelligence to make himself a better fighter than he'd be otherwise? Despite what most everybody else thinks, I still think Reed Richards AKA Mister Fantastic has more physical capabilities than what has been listed, but maybe you think I'm just stretching things.

Anyway, if you'd like to comment on what I've said here, go to my home page and go to my guestbook where you can comment on my views on Mister Fantastic or anything else about this website.


Mister Fantastic

Reed Richards

Fighting Good(10)

Agility Typical(6)

Strength Typical(6)

Endurance Remarkable(30)

Reason Amazing(50)

Intuition Excellent(20)

Psyche Remarkable(30)

Health 52

Karma 100

Resources Remarkable

Popularity 50

Mister Fantastic


Elongation: Monstrous, up to 1500 feet

Plasticity: Monstrous with the following effects:

Form a bouncing ball with Monstrous Agility and Good speed.

form a glider with Feeble airspeed

Gorm parachute for up to 4 people

Good disguise ability

Formless puddle to flow through almost any opening

Amazing ability to assume any geometric shape

Amazing ability to become as thin as paper

Grapple with Remarkable strength up to 4 targets

Body Armor:

-5CS damage from blunt attacks

Remarkable vs. other physical attacks

Good vs. energy attacks

Hyper-Invention: Reed has the Monstrous ability to comprehend/design/repair technology.

Hyper-Intelligence: Reed's natural mental abilities were enhanced by the mutation. Should his powers be negated his mental attributes drop by -1CS.


Electronics, Engineering, Physics, Repair/Tinker


Avengers, Silver Surfer, Inhumans, Any superheroic person in the world, Physics and Engineering universities America


Eel O'Brien

Fighting Remarkable(30)

Agility Remarkable(30)

Strength Good(10)

Endurance Incredible(40)

Reason Good(10)

Intuition Excellent(20)

Psyche Excellent(20)

Health 110

Karma 50

Resources Good

Popularity 5


Shapechange: Eel has Monstrous ability to transform himself into anything he wants including mechanical items that function (Like tvs, planes, gliders, ceilng fan, etc) however retains his red and yellow costume motif.

Elongation: Monstrous, up to 1500 feet

Plasticity: Unearthly

Form a bouncing ball or coiled spring with Monstrous Agility and Good land speed.

Form a glider with Feeble airspeed

Form parachute for up to 4 people

Good disguise ability

Formless puddle to flow through almost any opening

Amazing ability to assume any geometric shape

Amazing ability to become as thin as paper

Grapple with Remarkable strength up to 4 targets

Body Armor: Eel malleable body provides protection from brute force energy attacks.

-5CS damage from blunt attacks

Remarkable vs. other physical attacks

Excellent vs. energy attacks

Immortality: Plasticman was shattered and survived for 3000 years on the ocean floor.


Plastic man sees everything like a cartoon. Plastic man has no toes. He is also a former criminal.


Detective, Guns, Criminal Underworld


Justice League, Woozy Winks