Time to show how strong Reed Richards really is. If you actually look at Reed Richards and the physique he has, giving him
only Typical strength seems silly, especially when his much smaller brother-in-law, Johnny Storm has as much as Good strength.
Let me show you why Reed's stronger with much more punching power. Let's start with PICTURE 9.

Here you'll notice Reed carrying a weapon much larger than a gun turret on a heavy battle tank. How much strength do you think
it takes to be holding that thing up which is bigger than he is? You'll also notice Sue Richards is holding a much smaller
gun while Johnny and Ben(in his non-Thing form) are holding devices bigger than Sue's but smaller than Reed's. She-Thing AKA
Sharon Ventura is on the right holding a larger-than-life weapon as well. You might be thinking, "he's using his stretching
to hold it up." He's only using his stretching to hold one end of it. His stretching powers make things convenient for
him, but all right, let's try PICTURE 10.

In an event inside the same comic, Reed is here holding a metal gun that's larger than a gun turret on a battleship. There's
absolutely no stretching going on here. Reed is hauling a gun that a normal person couldn't hope to pick up much less casually
carry around. And something so gangly would require even more strength to hold like that. Yes, he needed Sue to use her force
field to hold him steady, but he didn't need any help from her or his stretching to hold up this massive larger-than-life
canon. Here's the next picture.

In this picture, Reed is pounding Dr. Doom into the ground simply using brute force. His stretching is only used here to maneuver
around his opponent not to cause damage which he's obviously doing. Let's take a look at another picture.

In this picture 12 Reed is creating a hammer to pound the Super Skrull who protects himself with a rock shield. Despite this,
Reed cracks it little. Now earlier I felt the damage Reed could do was Incredible. How well would Spider-Man who has Incredible
strength do in this situation? I doubt he'd fare any better.
Well there you have it. If all these scenes from the comics can't convince all of you out there that Reed Richards' Fighting,
Agility, and Strength are simply fantastic, there's not much else I can say. However, I got a little more to say on this subject
so click the link below to see my final word.