There are many people who think Mister Fantastic/Reed Richards isn't the least bit physically impressive without directly
using his stretching abilities. Here are his stats as per the Classic Marvel RPG
Mister Fantastic Reed Richards
Fighting Good(10):Above average fighting skills
Agility Typical(6):Average agility
Strength Typical(6):Being able to lift 100-200 pounds
Endurance Remarkable(30):No need for rest except for sleep
Reason Amazing(50): Develops ideas beyond normal science
Intuition Excellent(20): In the business of noticing things
Psyche Remarkable(30): Hard to control
Health 52
Karma 100
Resources Remarkable
Popularity 50
Mister Fantastic
Elongation: Monstrous, up to 1500 feet
Plasticity: Monstrous with the following effects:
Form a bouncing ball with Monstrous Agility and Good speed.
Form a glider with Feeble airspeed
Form parachute for up to 4 people
Good disguise ability
Formless puddle to flow through almost any opening
Amazing ability to assume any geometric shape
Amazing ability to become as thin as paper
Grapple with Remarkable strength up to 4 targets
Body Armor: -5CS damage from blunt attacks Remarkable vs. other physical attacks Good vs. energy attacks
Hyper-Invention: Reed has the Monstrous ability to comprehend/design/repair technology.
Hyper-Intelligence: Reed's natural mental abilities were enhanced by the mutation. Should his powers be negated his mental
attributes drop by -1CS.
Electronics, Engineering, Physics, Repair/Tinker
Contacts: Avengers, Silver Surfer, Inhumans, Any super heroic person in the world, Physics and Engineering universities
Here are the physical abilities I think Reed Richards should have.
Fighting Remarkable(30): Superior and or natural talent
Agility Excellent(20): reflexes similar to Olympic athletes
Strength Excellent(20): ability to lift/press 600-1000 lbs
Endurance Remarkable(30): Doesn't need rest except normal sleep
I'd have everything else being the same except he should have more sciences and martial arts B and C. He'd also have that
giant fist(or hammer) that does Incredible damage and other bonuses for his stretching abilities. One of which is Incredible
strength for the purposes of grappling and breaking out of entangles. Don't forget that martial arts C would give him a shift
up into Amazing that would allow him to restrain the Thing and even the Hulk on a red roll.
Whenever Reed uses his stretching powers to do some impressive feat, some have dismissed that saying, "he's just
using his stretching powers. He shouldn't get physical capabilities that are much better than the average person. It's just
like if either Magneto uses his magnetism or if the Invisible Woman uses her force field to lift something up."
Reed's stretching power indirectly increases his mental attributes, so why shouldn't they increase his physical ones as
Anyway, the elastic body Reed has is his body. He's not pointing at something and making it come to him. He actually grabs
people and thrashes them with his stretching fists. His elastic body is limber, flexible, and quick. People who are more limber,
flexible, and quicker have more agility than those who aren't. However, I'll show how physically competent Reed is with and
without him stretching. Clink the links below.