Mister Fantastic has proven himself more than just a competent fighter. He has shown superior fighting capabilities. Keep
in mind that Reed doesn't just work in a lab all day. He has actually trained his limber and elastic body to make himself
a more competent fighter to hit and avoid getting hit. He has also trained in the martial arts. (See PICTURE 1)

The Hulk, Spider-Man, and a few others have Remarkable fighting without any kind of training. So what's the problem with Mister
Fantastic having that much skill when he has trained? Anyway, here are some more examples of what I'm talking about.

In PICTURE 2 Reed made his fist huge, making it more difficult to avoid. He can also strike with speed and accuracy enough
to nail someone like Dr. Doom. His stretching does help, but despite all that, Reed is so skilled and competent that he went
one on one with Dr. Doom. Don't believe me? Take a look at PICTURE 3.

In PICTURE 3 Mister Fantastic battered Dr. Doom getting more hits in than he took. There's more in PICTURE 4 where Reed fights
the Mad Thinker.

In PIC 4 even the Mad Thinker admitted to Reed's superior fighting ability and flexible limbs. And this fight took place after
the Thinker's energy gun had blasted and stunned Reed and the tougher-than-you-think hero had barely been able to crawl under
a solid energy field. Let's take a look at PICTURE 5 where Reed takes on Klaw.

Here's another example of Reed's fighting skills. Yes, his stretching is helping, but despite that, it still requires some
remarkable fighting ability to nail Klaw who was doing everything he could to avoid getting hit with the vibranium knuckle
dusters Reed was wearing. Reed was too skilled and fast for him. All his stretching did was to allow him to attack from a
Now some of you might say it was his stretching that did all the work. Well, here's why I disagree.
1.That's still his body.
2.He has spent a lot of time training in martial arts and in simple fighting making the most of his elastic body. There's
also all the experience Reed has accumulated over time.
3.He has used his hyper intelligence and elastic body in ingenious ways in order to make himself a much better fighter.
When you combine all that you have a Remarkable fighter, right?