This picture below shows Reed stating that he has practiced long hours on his agility right over the scene where he's turned
himself into a parachute holding Sue Storm up. So he spends hours training his agility to use his stretching quickly in lightning
fast motions and only has average agility to show for it?

Despite what I've shown some of you think Reed only deserves typical agility and that his ability to dodge is based solely
on his stretching ability. Let me dispel that notion. Take a look at PICTURE 6.

On the upper right panel of PIC 6, Reed dodges laser bolts from Doom's robots. He's stretching, you say. Reed's using his
stretching to go towards the doombots. He's using his agility to dodge along with Johnny who does the same. He's dodging with
relative ease.
Then Reed goes through several of these robots in a matter of seconds. Sure he's stretching, but he's doing it with speed
and agility that took months if not years of practicing his fighting and agility skills to do so. Let's take a look at PICTURE

In PIC 7 when Reed took on the Super Skrull who had all the powers of the Fantastic Four and more, Reed moved in on the Skrull
suddenly with speed that seemed to match the speed of thought. Even the Super Skrull admitted that Reed is fast. Don't just
take my word or the Skrull's word for it. Read the box on top. What Reed did took speed, dexterity, and agility. The only
way he was using his stretching was to make a giant hammer with which to pound the Skrull. More on that later. Now we'll take
a look at PICTURE 8. Do I still think Mister Fantastic has a lot of quick reflexes and agility? You bet jurassic.

Here in PICTURE 8, Reed dodged a Triceratops that can run at speeds of 35 miles an hour.(1)
Reed drew the dinosaur towards himself and at the last second leaped out of the way, deftly landing on his feet. Can someone
with typical/average agility do something like that? Could the Thing do that with his Good/above average agility? I seriously
doubt that.
Maybe the agility of an Olympic athlete could do something like Reed did but not an average or a slightly above average
(1) http://www.fossilguy.com/gallery/vert/dinosaur/triceratops/triceratops.htm#frill
If you're gonna say Reed was somehow using his stretching powers you'd be wrong. During this time, all of the FF had their
powers neutralized(except for Ben who wasn't able to become the Thing at all at the time, thus he used a Thing suit. Even
Sharon Ventura the She Thing was in her normal human form at the time). Reed used his own well trained agility to avoid getting
hit by that giant, charging dinosaur, deftly leaping out of its way in a split second with ease. A professional matador could
not have done better.